May 22nd
Today's Schedule:
(all times are in MST)
8:30 am
All-Staff Webinar
To join: link on Welcome Page.
9:30 am
Zoom Meeting with your team
To join: go to the SESSIONS tab, scroll down to your team's box and click its link.
10 am
Watch: Customer Service and take quiz
Watch: Mom Panel and take quiz
To watch/take: scroll down page.​
10:45 am
Zoom Meeting with your team
11:30 am
Take a lunch break!
12 pm
Watch: Love & Logic Intro
Watch: Love & Logic Rules & Recovery Steps
Watch Love & Logic Strategies
Watch: What Love & Logic is NOT
Watch: Love & Logic Recap
To watch/take: scroll down page.​
1 pm
Zoom Meeting with your team!
To join: go to the SESSIONS tab, scroll down to your team's box and click its link.
2 pm
Watch: Policies and Procedures and take quiz
Watch: 3 Rules, 6 Boundaries and take quiz
To watch/take: scroll down page.​
2:30 pm
Zoom Meeting with your team
To join: go to the SESSIONS tab, scroll down to your team's box and click its link.
3:00 pm
Afternoon Tasks:
1. Finish all on-boarding requirements
Go to the Master To-Do-List page and make sure you've competed everything!
2. Complete fingerprint pre-screening form
Required only for Overnight, Day Camp at Glen Eyirie and Day Camp at Flying Horse staff.
To complete this task go to the instructions page!
3. Read through the arrival dates and health requirements!
Go to the dropdown menu on the welcome page (or click links above)!
See ya Online Orientation 2020!